Amino acids are produce in the body (“nonessential”), or they must be supply from the diet (“essential”). BCAAs are essential amino acids, as they are not made in the body. However, they constitute more than one-third of the protein found in human muscle tissue. Leucine, Isoleucine, & Valine are the three essential branch-chain amino acids (BCAAs) because of their branch molecular structure.
The rich-dietary sources of BCAAs include dairy, egg, meat, poultry, and fish. Supplemental BCAAs are also widely available and used within the context of workout nutrition. Unlike most other amino acids broken down by the liver, BCAA is primarily metabolize within the muscle itself. The body needs amino acids to make proteins, the building blocks of every cell, tissue, and organ. Amino acids and proteins also play a crucial role in metabolism.
Supplements containing branched-chain amino acids are popular among bodybuilders & athletes for boosting muscle growth. Furthermore, BCAA benefits may include reduced fatigue, muscle soreness, and helping with weight loss. Some evidence suggests that BCAAs may also have some other health benefits.
Below are some of the potential health benefits of BCAAs:

Increase in Muscle Growth
One of the most popular uses of BCAAs is to support muscle growth. This is probably the number one reason weightlifters or bodybuilders love BCAAs! BCAAs have been associated with muscle growth due to one particular amino acid that is leucine. BCAA supplements that have a higher proportion of leucine improve body composition by increasing muscle mass.
A 2-3 g leucine dose is generally considered adequate to maximally stimulate MPS (muscle protein synthesis). One large egg contains almost 0.5 g of leucine. And 5-6 oz of meat, poultry, or fish sources will provide the recommended 2-3 g amount.
Decrease Muscle Soreness
BCAA helps decrease muscle soreness post-workout to a great extent. It is common to feel soreness after a workout for a day to two if your fitness regime has just begun. Research shows that BCAA supplements decrease muscle soreness and damage. Besides this, they assist in reducing the duration and severity of soreness. Experts say that BCAAs help reduces muscle soreness and accelerate recovery by decreasing the rate of muscle breakdown.
Reduce Fatigue During Exercise
In addition to reducing muscle soreness, BCAA also helps to reduce fatigue. Fatigue and exhaustion are very common during and after workout sessions. However, how fast you get tired depends on factors like intensity, duration, fitness level, and environmental conditions. So, BCAAs improve mental focus during exercise, resulting in reduced fatigue and thus improving exercise performance.
Prevent Muscle Breakdown
BCAA supplements help prevent muscle breakdown of muscle wastage. Muscle proteins continuously break down as well as being rebuilt due to synthesis. The balance between breakdown and synthesis is derive from the amount of protein intake in the muscles.
Furthermore, muscle breakdown happens when protein breakdown crosses the level of muscle protein synthesis. Hence, amino acids must be replace during muscle breakdown to slow down the breaking process.
Increase Muscle Mass
BCAA supplements are very effective for increasing muscle mass if the Leucine content is higher than Isoleucine & Valine. Therefore, it is advisable to take a BCAA supplement that contains all the three essential amino acids in the ratio of 2:1:1.
According to studies, various illnesses can affect protein synthesis, leading to a loss of body protein and skeletal muscle mass. Evidence proves that a high-protein diet provides additional leucine that can help maintain muscle mass.
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The Last Word on the Benefits of BCAA
Twenty amino acids make up the thousands of different proteins in the human body. Nine of them are essential amino acids; they cannot be produce by the body and must be obtain through diet.
Of the nine essential amino acids, three are the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs): leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Branched Chain Amino Acids are essential amino acids. Our body cannot make them naturally, so a person needs to get BCAAs from the diet or supplements.
Studies suggest that taking BCAAs may improve muscle mass and reduce muscle damage from intense exercise. Apart from this, BCAA supplements may support weight loss & muscle growth while reducing muscle soreness and fatigue. Also, they help reduce the complications of liver disease.