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Welcome to CreepingScents! We are a plant-based handmade gift shop that specializes in Home Fragrances, and Bath and Body care. We provide an unparalleled selection of quality products, an easy shopping experience, expedited shipping offers, and exceptional customer service. Check out our collections today!


Celebrate Father's Day

15-20% off Select Gifts

Get ready to beautify your skin this summer with our amazing body care products! We're excited to offer 20% off select Body Butters. Refresh and restore your summer glow with our nourishing and hydrating formulas. Don't miss out on this opportunity to pamper yourself and feel your best!

Now - June 15

Shop by Category

Celebrate Father's Day

20% off Home Fragrance

Celebrate Father's Day in a special way this year by giving your dad a handmade scented gift. Our Home Fragrance collection is perfect for creating a customized gift that shows your dad just how much he means to you. And make it even better, enjoy 20% off your purchase. Show your how much you appreciate him with a gift made with love.

Now - June 15


Plant Based Journey


Celebrate Beautify your Skin Month!

15% off Select Bar Soaps

Beautify your Skin this summer with our Sunny Sunshine Bar soaps and Loofah Bar soaps! Infused with tropical plant extracts, these soaps will leave you with the ultimate summer scent. And the best part? Take 15% off all month long!

Now - June 30

Veteran Wellness


Wickless Candles for Veterans

Celebrate Beautify your Skin Month!

20% off Select Body Care

Get ready to beautify your skin this summer with our amazing body care products! We're excited to offer 20% off select Body Butters. Refresh and restore your summer glow with our nourishing and hydrating formulas. Don't miss out on this opportunity to pamper yourself and feel your best!

Now - June 30


Light Your Path To Wellness

Scent of the Month

15% off Salt Lily scent

Looking for the perfect way to welcome the summer season? Look no further than our Salt Lily Candle and Wax Melts! Infused with delicate floral extracts and refreshing sea salt mist, this product is sure to leave you feeling rejuvenated ready to take on the day. Enjoy 15% off Salt Lily Scents all month!

Now - June 30

CreepingScents Salt Lily


CreepingScents Candle

Strawberries + Chocolate

Experience the sweet scent of Strawberries + Chocolate with our signature candle. This candle is delicately crafted to give you a rich and luxurious ambience, reminiscent of a perfect dessert dipped in white chocolate sauce. 

CreepingScents Candles

Shop Sales

Monthly Deals

Blue Candle next to the beach.jpg

Salt Lily

Scent of the Month

Explore Summer Scents

New Arrival

Our Hawaiian Hibiscus is the ultimate choice for summer bloom scents. With its infusion of Hibiscus extracts, this fragrance will transport you to a tropical. Get ready to experience the ultimate summer sensation with our luxurious scent.


Shop New Arrivals

Shop Your Way



Unwind with the soothing scents

Spa Collection

Transform your home into a spa retreat with our Dragon Blood Candle. Crafted from the Dragon Trees resin, this candle is perfect for creating a cozy and warm atmosphere. Its unique blend of scents will transport you to a place of relaxation and rejuvenation. Light it up and let the magic begin.

CreepingScents Blue Wax Melts


Get rewarded for every purchase with our loyalty points program. For every dollar spend, earn points that can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases. 

CreepingScents Flowers

Refer A Friend

 For every friend you refer to us, you’ll receive a special reward as a thank you for your support. Join now and share your love of our scented products with your friends to receive your rewards! 


Tropical Summer Vibes

Bar Soaps

Experience the ultimate tropical summer vibes with our Sunny SunShine Bar Soaps. Our unique soaps are handmade with love and care, enriched with botanical extracts and essential oils. Pamper yourself with our luxurious lather that nourishes and cleanses your skin, while indulging the best of floral scents. Try our Sunny SunShine Bar Soaps today!

We Value Your Feedback

What Customers Say

"I enjoy the candles from CreepingScents. My order was shipped very quickly and I will continue to buy again for myself, family and friends"  Debra Johnson-KY 

Visit Us At Events 

Upcoming Events

  • Once Upon A Dad
    Once Upon A Dad
    Sat, Jun 08
    Online Event
    Jun 08, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    Online Event
    Jun 08, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    Online Event
    Learn how to create Father's Day Gift Baskets. Celebrate DAD - Brave, Handsome, Amazing and So Much More!
  • Father's Day Pop-up
    Father's Day Pop-up
    Multiple Dates
    Fri, Jun 14
    Jun 14, 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Louisville, 4801 Outer Loop, Louisville, KY 40219, USA
    Jun 14, 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    Louisville, 4801 Outer Loop, Louisville, KY 40219, USA
    Celebrate Dad Shop Father's Day Handmade Gifts!
  • Wellness Matters
    Wellness Matters
    Multiple Dates
    Sun, Jun 30
    Jun 30, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    Shepherdsville, 445 KY-44, Shepherdsville, KY 40165, USA
    Jun 30, 2024, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
    Shepherdsville, 445 KY-44, Shepherdsville, KY 40165, USA
    Beautify Your Skin This Summer! Join us this Month to create Summer Scented Body Butter and Spa Bubble Bars.
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