Get 50% off your first box AND a FREE candle care kit (worth $40) with a 6 or 12-month commitment!


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The monthly book subscription box curated to give you the alone time you crave.

Retreat & Recharge,
Fellow Introvert

get started!

The monthly book subscription box curated to give you the alone time you crave.

Retreat & Recharge,
Fellow Introvert

blissful solitude

The Subscription Box for Blissful Solitude

Look inside a box

Complete a brief survey after purchase to help us tailor your box.

Tell Us About Yourself

Tell Us About Yourself

Step 01

Get your box fast. Your first box ships in about a week.

We Ship Your Box

We Ship Your Box

Step 02

Open and unwind! Your monthly retreat starts now.

Enjoy Alone Time

Enjoy Alone Time

Step 03

How it works!

Take our quiz and get $5 off your first purchase.

What Kind of Introvert Are You?


Learn more

Don't like the book in your box? We'll send you one of our Rescue Books for FREE! 

Best Book Promise

A monthly reminder to take some time, retreat from this world, and immerse yourself in a world far, far away from people.

A monthly reminder to take some time, retreat from this world, and immerse yourself in a world far, far away from people.


A luxurious experience for the perfect night in. Just you, calming scents, a book, and delicious snacks.

A luxurious experience for the perfect night in. Just you, calming scents, a book, and delicious snacks.


You’re not the energizer bunny. You need a little time to yourself. On repeat.
Treat yourself every month with alone time and solo self-care.

You’re not the energizer bunny. You need a little time to yourself. On repeat.
Treat yourself every month with alone time and solo self-care.


Introverts, Retreat!

Get the alone time you crave

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Here for the Wrong Reasons

Goodreads Review

In a Dark Mirror

Goodreads Review

Girl, Missing


To Love the Brooding Baron

new releases for April!


The Mermaid Riot

See All Available Books

Each month you'll receive an email with simple steps to select your book.

From Happy Introverts!


Sarah D.

Love it.

Ellyse B.

Got 3 months for my mom, she was delighted with everything inside (and of course took plenty of photos to show off to her sisters). 

A fun experience!

Great for relaxing. Really love additional box items!

We've Been Seen On

We've Been Seen On

Subscription renews automatically.
Cancel anytime.


$50 per month + shipping


Free candle care kit/50% off first box! 
You're agreeing to a minimum of 6 boxes.

$44 per month + shipping


6-Month Commitment


12-Month Commitment

$40 per month + shipping

Free candle care kit/ 50% off first box! 
You're agreeing to a minimum of 12 boxes.

Get Started

Shipping is included in the price.

Go Big & Stay Home

It’s the weekend, and you finally have a good chunk of time just for yourself. No one to pester you with small talk, no social events to go to. Just time to relax and recharge your social batteries for the week ahead.

Introverts, is there truly anything better?

Our monthly book subscription box is carefully curated and customise to help you make the most out of your recharge time. 

Blissful solitude + relaxing scents + yummy snacks + a cozy book = our idea of a fun night in.

It’s the weekend, and you finally have a good chunk of time just for yourself. No one to pester you with small talk, no social events to go to. Just time to relax and recharge your social batteries for the week ahead.
Introverts, is there truly anything better?

Our monthly book subscription box is carefully curated and customise to help you make the most out of your recharge time. Blissful solitude + relaxing scents + yummy snacks + a cozy book = our idea of a fun night in.

get your night in!