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Venture Capital

daphni is a Paris-based Venture Capital (VC) firm. Our VC-as-a-platform combines an accessible community of +300 experts and a digital platform to engage our founders and share deal flow.

We invest in early-stage startups with strong international ambitions like Back Market or Swile.

Our portfolio

The founders we support are building products that can change the way we all live. Curious on what the future might look like? Check out our portfolio companies! And discover “Living DA life!”

circular economy

Backmarket allows customers to buy quality secured, refurbished electronic products.


Swile, the card and app at the center of employee engagement


Witco is a B2B2C SaaS platform centralizing dozens of internal & external building services in a single app.


Animaj’s mission is to empower the young generation to make their world more colorful by delivering exciting and engaging stories that inspire them to dream, explore, and create.

Ethnic Food

Waysia (ex-Alorsfaim) is a food delivery platform founded in France. It‘s a platform created in order to make asian food and consumers life easier and more convenient.

HR & gaming

Goshaba offers an HR tool to qualify candidates’ soft skills through gamified and cognitive tests

green mobility

Fifteen (ex-Zoov) offers a sustainable, data driven and connected e-bike sharing solution

personal care/home care

Agua Blanca is a marketplace for clean HomeCare and PersonalCare products


Epigene allows smart aggregation of genomic data for drug discovery in oncology

AI powered profit platform for e-commerce

Dema is an AI-powered profit management layer for e-commerce, delivering real-time actionable insights to help teams manage profitable growth.

Retail | Metaverse

Immersive virtual stores for the fashion and retail sectors.


Hubcycle avoids huge wastage by converting plant-based industrial side-streams into competitive, innovative & strategic raw materials for personal care and food.

Battery storage

Voltfang requalifies electrical vehicle batteries after their first life in the EV into storage systems, which can store renewable energies in a sustainable way.


Pasqal develops Quantum Computer based out of Neutral atoms. Quantum Computers are one of the cornerstone in the transition towards a carbon neutral economy.

AI chip

AnotherBrain drives the third generation of AI


Flow48 is a fintech providing upfront financing to companies with predictable revenues.


Holberton trains the next generation of full stack software engineers, which is paid for once the graduate enters the workforce


Butterfly offers real-time leadership training to managers based on team feedback and surveys


CozyCozy offers an unbiased solution to book accommodation with a wider market offering


Trusk offers seamless delivery of heavy items for retail shops and end-customers

AI / blockchain

Starton is building the tools to enable any developer, individual and company to build blockchain applications at scale, simply and fast, without any expertise of blockchain technologies.



Pazzi offers fully-automated robots cooking tasty pizzas in less than four minutes


Hemea connects homeowners wishing to renovate their homes with top architects and contractors and supports them throughout the process


Memo Bank develops banking services for SMBs with an offer built around data and management of financial flows


Leocare is the first multi-service, fully-mobile and fully flexible neoinsurance for housing, car, motorbike and smartphone.

social network

Gabsee offers the app July, which allows teenagers to enter a virtual world and build real friendships


Double gives busy people back 2 hours of their time every day, and empowers them to focus on what they do best.

Circular economy

Geev offers a marketplace for people to give away and find goods for free, based on geolocalisation

Carbon Accounting

Carbon Maps is a comprehensive, science-based, data-driven climate management platform for the food industry.


Welfaire is an insurance wholesaler providing brokers with digital products to target self-employed workers.


Comet offers a freelance marketplace for engineers, connecting companies with qualified tech talent

Carbon-free industrial heat

Airthium is a deeptech company that develops industrial heat pumps capable of breaking the limits of existing models to decarbonize the industry.


Masteos is a full-stack real estate agency that focuses on all the steps of rental investment for investors, from finding the housing to managing the rental process.



Agricool offers healthy and locally produced fruits and vegetables in urban areas through highly efficient vertical farming solutions


Beendi offers easy to make, plant-based meals to customers aiming to eat healthy food with a vegetarian orientation



Fretlink connects shippers and carriers over a trustful, efficient and innovative platform


ai video

Context is able to decrypt any video media and turn it into homogeneous, granular and verified data at scale


ZOE is a nutritional science company on a mission to help everybody eat with confidence

Wallet marketing & engagment

Badge is an AI-powered membership platform for brands, groups, and communities built on Google and Apple wallet.

Circular economy

Underdog allows people to purchase pre-owned home appliances, checked by professionals with a warranty


Keakr offers an app for urban music lovers; a music and video pocket studio and social network

Impact Marketing

Captain Cause is a marketing tool for companies that wish to build loyalty or reward their customers, employees or partners, through the support of positive impact projects.


H is working on frontier action models, to boost the productivity of workers.


Modjo increases sales teams performance with its conversational analysis platform



Shine offers the perfect freelance co-pilot with the mission of making it easy to be an independent worker

music | ai

Antescofo enables you to play any instrument as if were in a concert hall, with an orchestra accompanying you and following your rhythm

Circular fashion

Faume is the one-stop-shop solution for brands to launch a second-hand offer and free themselves from all the technological and logistical constraints linked to the implementation of a second-hand infrastructure.


data intelligence

Foxintelligence offers real-time, transaction based intelligence for retailers, based on electronic receipts


Less optimizes city transportation by developing a short distance C2C carpooling solution (EXIT. Acquired by Blablacar)


Stockly connects e-commerce websites with a global inventory so that they never run out-of-stock


circular economy

Save market provides a Platform for buying back computer equipment from companies, gives electronic products a second life and fights against waste.

“Daphni introduced us to big brands on the market such as Dyson and Bosch, through which we could expand our offering and increase our sales. By doing so, we also opened up for more European markets leading to accelerated growth”
Thibaud Hug de Larauze
Founder of Back Market
“Daphni makes a difference to you as a Founder: their support can provide valuable resources, expertise, and networking opportunities to help your company grow and succeed.”
Paul Berloty
Founder of Modjo
“daphni team and its community have had a structuring impact on key milestones of our development. Their friendly and constructive collaboration are very valuable”
Jean-Daniel Guyot
Founder of MemoBank
“With Daphni, it is not about money, it is about partnership. The Daphni team is very collective and you can leverage the 25 people in the organisation with diverse backgrounds and experience, including entrepreneurial, to help you scale.”
Eliott Jabès
Founder of Stockly
“Co-investors commitment, independent board member appointment, customer introduction, friendly support are part of the valuable achievements of Daphni team”
Eliane Lugassy
Founder of Witco
“Daphni will simply be your most bullish partner.”
Sixte de Vauplane
Founder of Animaj
“Daphni's team understands very well their work is more than financial support. They are thoughtful and support their founders every step of the way.”

Build Da City. For. Good.

Innovation must improve the world we live in.


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venture capital platform

VC Platform

We’ve built a digital platform to make us more effective, collaborative & transparent in our investment process. It connects your startup with our community from the moment you apply.

daphni team

We are an alliance of mutants: our Venture Capital is composed with investors, community builders, platform makers and content producers. Our diversity offers a unique multi-angles perspective. Our common ambition: make you succeed worldwide.

marc simoncini daphni team venture capital


Managing Partner


Van Peteghem

Head of Community



Co-founder & Managing Partner




Our vehicles