Discover the Difference at Texas Tallow

We founded Texas Tallow with a desire to better understand ancestral skincare and spent hundreds of hours perfecting the rendering and product-making process. Since 2018 we have rendered all of the tallow used in our products and manufactured all of our tallow whips and salves personally.

The vast majority of our tallow is from ranchers we have direct relationship with and, in fact, we assist in harvesting these cows and hand-selecting the fat. We continue to house-render our own tallow and find partnerships with grass-fed ranchers to supply our tallow.

As a mother, Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified GAPS Practitioner, and student herbalist, I put together formulas based on my knowledge of nutritive, ancestral skincare. I have a passion for non-toxic living and my desire from the start was to create products that serve families, particularly those with allergies or specific sensitivities. We carefully craft our products and formulas so that they stand the test of time. Rather than providing an abundance of products, we prefer to focus on a few with simple ingredients.

We strive to grow or wild-harvest as many of our herbs as possible. In fact, through my very early herbalism studies I changed the company recipes from essential oils to infused-herbal oils to better meet the needs of those sensitive to strong scents and essential oils. We continue to house-infuse all of our own herbal infused oils.

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