Did you know that Finland is the most innovative and educated country in the world? Finland also has the best preschool system, as well as the best primary schools in the world.

And imagine, for the fifth year in a row, Finland has been selected the happiest nation in the world.

But how can all parents and professionals like you get to know, what positive parenting from Finland is all about? And how can you learn and use the philosophy, tools and techniques with your child?

We have decided it is the time to package the world’s best pedagogy and parenting in digital format and offer it to you and all other parents and professionals to enjoy!

It is time to reimagine parenting!


Parenting is definitely the most important and challenging job we will ever have. And yet, there is no education or degree you can study to become a successful parent!

Imagine the demanding world of the future. Our children will face fierce competition, constant change and global problems. Their world is totally different from ours. No wonder many of us parents feel puzzled and powerless.

  • Do you want to enable your child to fulfill their potential?
  • Do you want to give your child skills that will set them up for life?
  • Would you like life at home to be easier and happier?

We are here to support and help you, modern time parents and professionals to solve these challenges.

Finland, being the most innovative and educated country in the world, has also the best preschool system. Everything you read and learn in this course is based on Finnish pedagogy and Finnish teaching.

We welcome you to join us on this parenting challenge. We will share what really works so you can feel happier and more confident with your parenting ability. Together we will learn new thinking and practical tools, which can support our children to grow happy and prosper in life.

Together we will reimagine parenting!

Our Course:


Positive Parenting from Finland


We have tailored the world’s best pedagogy and parenting into 4 modules and a total of 30 chapters.

Learn online, when you want, wherever you are, and transform your parenting confidence in as little as 15 minutes at a time.

Who do we serve?




Professionals in kindergartens


Teachers at schools

Let us introduce ourselves to you.

We, Pia and Jim, together with our two children Mikaela and Tom are the creators of the Dibidogs, an award winning global TV-series for children. The very first TV-animation in the world which is created by children themselves.


While we spent years in exciting TV- and children’s entertainment business, travelling around the world, talking about childrens’ creativity and the role of parents in supporting creativity, we realized something new was about to develop. After all, we live in Finland, the happiest country in the world with the world’s best school and teachers. And, we do have first hand experience of our education system, from kindergarten to primary school and all the way up to Aalto University, where we both have received our Masters Degrees. Now was the perfect time to fully focus on education, learning and coaching.

You see, we remember all too well, what it was like to come home with a newborn baby. All that love and admiration, all that worry and concerns. And all those ideas, how family life with a baby or two would be like. Well, it turned out a little different, as you can imagine. But today, looking back at those days, we feel we managed to do a pretty a good job with our children. 

For years, we have as parents enjoyed discussions about parenting and raising children in Finland. There has been a lot of questions about the best kept secrets from Finland. Then the big idea was born. We are truly passionate about sharing practical guidance, offer tips and hints, and inspire everyone in learning positive parenting from Finland. Developing the best approach and building the concept took a while as we wanted to make sure we find the best ways to deliver this knowhow all around the world. 

Now we are ready and excited to announce the first global parenting program from Finland. Join the course and enjoy parenting to the maximum!

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