CBD is gaining popularity as an anti-anxiety, anti-inflammation, and anti-pain treatment.
But can CBD also make you tired? One of the reasons people are turning to CBD is this. One of the best things about CBD is its few side effects. CBD, on the other hand, does not come without its drawbacks.
A common query people have is whether CBD makes you tired or not. In this post, we’ll look at all of CBD’s potential side effects, including whether it can cause sleepiness and whether there are any ways to balance it.
“Can CBD make you tired?” is a question that needs to be answer. We’ll have to dig deeper into how CBD affects the brain and its potential side effects. Let’s start with CBD’s effect on the brain.
How Does CBD Affect the Brain?
CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in industrial hemp plants. CBD activates the endocannabinoid system. This system impacts pain perception, inflammation, stress, and anxiety levels.
CBD modulates anxiety, stress, and pain by activating the endocannabinoid system’s cannabinoid receptors. The endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is found throughout the body, brain, and skin and plays various roles in physiology, is well-known.
Scientists are discovering more and more functions of the endocannabinoid system in human health, and CBD research indicates that it can affect sleep, wakefulness, and fatigue. CBD also stimulates the brain’s 5-HT1a serotonin receptors.
Anxiety and depression are link to serotonin, a neurotransmitter (a chemical in the brain). Some medical marijuana users are already aware that it is common to feel sleepy after using the product. This article looks into whether or not taking CBD will make you tired or make your fatigue worse.
Why Does CBD Make you Tired? The Reasons for It
CBD is a plant compound derived from the cannabis plant. CBD has been use as medicine to treat chronic pain, anxiety, and other conditions. This article will discuss some of the reasons why CBD oil may make you tired.
CBD binds to your endocannabinoid system, which is why it can make you sleepy or tired. CBD may aid in the treatment of insomnia by acting on the CB1 receptor in our brain, which regulates our sleep cycles and awakenings (this is different from THC, which binds to CB1 in another way).
Another reason you may feel tired after taking CBD is because you are about to enter a period of your life when sleeping will be difficult. Sleep problems may become more severe if you have recently reached the appropriate age.
As we age, we have fewer melatonin receptors, making it more difficult to fall and stay asleep (our melatonin levels are already lower than a young person).
Another factor is that your brain produces less of its cannabinoids (this may be the result of low receptor numbers). As a result, you may require more cannabinoids to feel good.
What Is CBD, Exactly?
CBD is a member of a class of plant compounds known as cannabinoids found in both hemp and marijuana plants.CBD and THC are in crystal-like resin trichomes fill with terpenes, fatty acids, wax, and other cannabinoids concentrated on the cannabis plant’s buds.
These compounds interact with a system known as the endocannabinoid system, which was name after the plant that inspire its discovery (ECS). The ECS is in charge of maintaining homeostasis, a fancy word for “balance” in the body.
Cannabinoids, receptors, and messenger molecules act as modulators for systems that regulate vital functions such as mood, metabolism, stress response, and sleep.
How Does CBD Improve Sleep?
Here’s where it gets interesting. You might be able to counteract the effects of stress by biohacking your body’s communications center, the endocannabinoid system, which keeps your systems in check (ECS).
CBD, our biohacker pal, interacts with your ECS. While science hasn’t figured out how CBD and the ECS interact, evidence suggests that CBD can aid in maintaining homeostasis.
People are turning to CBD to help them manage their health conditions, strengthen their immune systems, and improve their overall well-being.
Can CBD Help with Sleep Issues?
CBD may be able to assist people in getting better sleep, depending on what is preventing them from sleeping properly. The following are some of the most common causes of sleep disturbances:
- Anxiety and a flurry of thoughts
- Pain
- Stress
- Uncomfortable bed or sleeping quarters
CBD may be able to help with some of these problems. No, CBD isn’t going to make an uncomfortable bed more comfortable, but it could help with sleep deprivation caused by anxiety, stress, or pain. It is why some people use CBD to help them sleep.
How Do I Avoid Getting Tired with CBD?
If you’re thinking about trying CBD but aren’t sure if it’ll make you tired, try it for the first time when you have some free time during the day. When you have to operate machinery, or take care of responsibilities like work, avoid trying CBD for the first time.
After trying it, you’ll have a better idea of whether CBD makes you tired or not. Keep in mind that different dosages or delivery forms (vape, tinctures, oil, gummies, etc.) may affect you differently than other forms or dosages.
Take a close look at the CBD product’s label. Other herbs or constituents known to cause sleepiness, such as melatonin, are also found in some products.
Always put your faith in products that a third party has thoroughly tested. The levels of CBD, THC, and other contaminants in these products are test. It’s critical to know that your product does not exceed the legal THC limit of 0.3%. THC is also known to make people sleepy.
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The Takeaway: Can CBD Make You Tired?
CBD may cause tiredness or drowsiness in some people. Others use CBD as a supplement to help them focus and stay alert. The point is that the various effects of CBD may produce different outcomes for different people.
Some animal and human studies suggest that CBD promotes wakefulness; however, drowsiness is the most common side effect report with CBD use. It is also commonly utilize as a sleep aid and has alleviated anxiety and tension. Researchers are still looking into whether CBD can make you sleepy.
Each individual is unique, and CBD can affect people in various ways. If you’re going to try CBD, read the label to assess the ingredients and look for third-party testing verification.
If you like to use CBD to help you sleep, you should take larger doses because CBD has been shown to have calming and relaxing effects in higher doses. It may be sufficient to help you fall and stay asleep throughout the night.
Always consult with your doctor before using CBD for any underlying condition to reduce the possibility of side effects and medication interactions.